Armacell Academy is free to eligible Armacell customers Armacell Academy is free to eligible Armacell customers

Armacell Academy

An e-learning virtual experience

Armacell Academy

Armacell Academy

We offer industry professionals free access to our online training courses to help your team with industry knowledge, application training, and learning the benefits of our product portfolio. Armacell Academy is our convenient e-learning platform available on desktop or mobile devices for easy access 24/7. CURRENTLY SERVING NORTH AMERICA ONLY. 

Advanced Insulation: Product knowledge and technical courses are targeted to specifiers, contractors, and distributors of insulation materials.

Component Foams: Product and technical courses are designed for foam converter/fabricators and OEM customers of the Engineered Foams business.

Armacell Academy

Armacell Academy Course Catalog

Mechanical Insulation Courses:

  • Armacell Introduction 
  • Mechanical Insulation Basics 
  • Armacell Solutions for Construction Types
  • ArmaFlex® Ultra 
  • Solutions Portfolio: General Overview and Insights
  • AQIP 101 Installer Training 
  • AQIP 202 Installer Recertification
  • Armacell Insuguard product
  • ArmaWin Insulation Calculator
  • ArmaFlex UT Product
  • Armacell Knife Kit Overview
  • Advanced Insulation Product Overview

Component Foam Courses:

  • Component Foam Overview
  • Polymer Knowledge 101
  • ASTM D 1056: Specification & Test Methods
  • Product Codes & Nomenclature
  • Sport and Leisure Product Overview
  • Know the Difference:  OleCell vs. OleTex
Armacell Academy is Armacell's online learning platform

Request an Invitation

Free courses are available to eligible industry professionals. To see if you’re eligible, please contact your Armacell sales representative to request an invitation to enroll. All students must receive an invitation link to enroll in courses. (An email address is required.) Any registration requests made directly at the Armacell Academy site will be subject to approval. Note that in 2024, courses are available only for North American customers.

Already an Armacell Academy student?

Use this link to navigate back to our e-learning platform to start courses you have been invited to, are enrolled in, or to resume courses you have already started. Your course is available 24/7 until you complete it.
Armacell Academy e-Learning Access 

For more information, consult our brochure.

Come learn with us

Armacell offers industry professionals free access to our online training courses to help your team with industry knowledge, application training, and learning the benefits of Armacell’s product portfolio. Contact us to get started.

Armacell Academy is Armacell's online learning platform Armacell Academy is Armacell's online learning platform